
Optima time deposit

The new Optima welcome time deposit is the optimum choice in the banking market due to its high yield, flexibility and simplicity.

Take advantage of competitive returns

Select security for your funds

Place your funds with maximum flexibility


Optima time deposits allow you to manage your company's liquidity flexibly and efficiently, whether in euro or foreign currency, without committing your funds for a long period. You have a competitive return on your money, by selecting:

  • Optima welcome time deposit, with features that make it the most popular and profitable choice today, with a minimum amount of €50,000, an interest rate of up to 2.75% (gross, annualized) and:

Duration of 8 months
Interest payment every month
Without an early redemption fee on the interest payment date. 

See the features of the Optima welcome time deposit.

  • Time deposit with the minimum amount of €10,000 or the equivalent in foreign currency and:

Duration from 1 to 12 months
Fixed interest rate
Interest payment upon maturity of the deposit.

How do I open a time deposit?

Fast and simply. With lean procedures that respect your valuable time. With a single visit to one of our branches. We are always happy to provide you with information and assistance to open your Optima Time Deposit.

What supporting documents will I need

Υou do not have an account? You can open one easily and quickly.
See the identity verification documents required according to the applicable regulatory framework for opening an account.

What is the pricing

To learn about our deposit products interest rates, read the applicable Interest rate tables and in the Precontractual information on deposit products.

Some additional information

Find out about our participation in the Hellenic Deposit & Investment Guarantee Fund (www.teke.gr) for the deposit cover scheme, here.