Make large number of payments via e-banking with a single file (ISO20022 xml)
Import payment files with beneficiaries to any bank in Greece or abroad
Use the same approval levels for e-banking as you use in your business
Our services are constantly evolving in order to meet all your needs in a simple, direct and fast way!
How does it work?
Our business customers can execute multiple payments (remittances or credit transfers) to accounts in Greece and abroad using the automated service of mass payments, at no additional cost!
This capability is offered through the Optima e-banking service and you can make multiple transfers to suppliers or pay obligations, regardless of the transfer amount and in accordance with your daily transaction limit.
Mass transfers are executed on the same day via a transfers file and, of course, 24/7, simply and quickly!
The procedure is simple:
Step 1: Create and export a mass payments file (ISO20022 xml) either directly from your business ERP system, or otherwise.
Step 2: Upload the mass payments file in xml format via Optima e-banking on the same day.
Step 3: The payments file is approved by the selected users of your business (if there are approval levels).
That's it! All the transactions entered in the file, concerning transfers within your accounts, to third party accounts within the bank or to another bank (SEPA/SWIFT), will be executed automatically!
Let's talk
Can we help you? Do you have any questions?