
Market making

We were one of the first banks to introduce market making services in Greece.

Increase the market liquidity and volume of your company’s listed securities

Limit the market volatility of your company’s listed securities

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We, at Optima bank, are a leading market maker for shares, derivative products and corporate bonds listed on the ATHEX. The key Market Maker service is to provide liquidity to the market thus contributing to the increase of the volume traded and to reduce the market volatility for these products. At Optima bank, as a Market Maker, we trade in all key categories of the ATHEX such as stocks, stocks and index futures and options, as well as corporate bonds.

Additionally, we are one of the key traders/counterparties of all Greek Corporate Bonds traded on international markets (Eurobond issues). The bank provides daily prices for those bonds to its customers, institutional and retail, contributing to the liquidity of the specific markets.

For further information please contact the Market Making Department at:

Tel.: +30 210 8173421 / +30 210 8173447 
Fax: +30 210 6896325