Investment banking

At Optima bank, we support the sophisticated needs of your business. We offer specialized assistance and financial advice.

Mergers and Acquisitions (M&A)

In response to ongoing business challenges, we support transactions involving mergers, acquisitions, joint ventures and privatizations. We offer our customers creative and expert support in:

Identifying targets for acquisition or prospective investors for divestitures
Synergy analysis and valuation, investment value analyses of target companies or divestments
Deal structuring, negotiations and closing and
Project management, including coordination of legal and other advisors

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Corporate Finance Advisory

Increased business needs require expertise, experience and specialization. At Optima bank, we offer a comprehensive range of diversified corporate finance services, including:

Business planning
Business valuations, fairness opinions and intangible asset valuation (PPA)
Strategic investment advisory
Valuations and independent fairness opinions for tender offers and de-listings

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Equity Capital Markets (ECM)

We understand and support our customers’ business needs. Our dedicated ECM team delivers a full range of services for primary and secondary transactions, including:

IPOs (Main and Alternative Market)
Share capital increases and bond issues
Δημόσιες προτάσεις και ιδιωτικές τοποθετήσεις
Lead arranger and Underwriter Services (see Prospectuses here)

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